Brett Robb - Founder of Climate Actions Schools (CAS)
& The Industry Factory (TIF).

Brett is an experienced and successful Cultural Change, Team Building and Business Improvement Specialist. He thrives on assisting organisations to create environments drawn upon insights and proven principles of Total Quality Management and Neuroscience. 

Brett is a Nationally Accredited, Lean Trainer Assessor with over 30 years' experience in the practical application and training of Lean principles and processes in industry.


Jules McMurtrie - Chief Optimist at Climate Actions Schools (CAS)
& Trusted Partner at Jumpingfish.

Jules has a long history of creating social value programs, which exceed industry ESG targets and solve complex problems.

Jules has been translating 21CC skills for over 30 years in industry, specialising in school and industry partnerships for the past 10 years managing Gateway to Industry School Programs for Food, Wine & Tourism, Advanced Manufacturing, Hydrogen & Renewable Energy.



All schools become beacons of sustainability for their community, fostering eco-conscious leaders and driving global climate action.


Our Mission is to empower schools to lead the way in the transition to net zero, through resource recovery turning classrooms into incubators of innovation and action.

Together, we will create a generation of eco-conscious leaders who will shape a thriving, resilient and sustainable world for all.


Climate Action Schools has developed a guide as an introduction, designed to inspire and support schools on the journey towards making a better, more sustainable world. By attending a workshop and following the guide, staff, teachers and students can setup simple tools and processes that can immediately reduce their waste to landfill, recover more resources into the circular economy and increase environmental awareness.

For those schools who would like to take their recycling and recovery journey beyond the basics of this guide, CAS can provide assisted programs.

Assisted programs are delivered by industry qualified specialists to your staff and students, and have the additional benefits of:

  • Trainer-led application of industry-accepted LEAN methodology to your school's waste management systems and processes

  • Introduction to the use of neuroscience (The Hard Science behind Soft Skills - Neuro Power TM) to enhance individual participation and optimise group performance

  • Micro credentials and digital badging for students who excel in practising and promoting waste reduction, recycling, circular economy principles, empathy towards the environment and 21st century skills, such as, emotional intelligence.

  • Ongoing support and fine-tuning of your program through regular check-ups with our qualified specialists.

  • Connections to related local industries